
Juliana González Valenzuela

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Mexican philosopher

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Why Is Juliana González Valenzuela Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Juliana González Valenzuela is a Mexican philosopher. Academic biography Juliana Gonzalez is a Mexican philosopher who has worked primarily in the areas of Greek Philosophy, Ontology, Ethics and Bioethics. She was born in Mexico City in 1936. She studied in the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University where she received an ample humanistic education in philosophy, psychology, theater and history. The time she attended university was marked by an intellectual boom due mainly to the presence of the Spanish exiles that arrived in Mexico from 1939 until the end of the Spanish Civil War. They were determinant in her studies, especially the Catalan philosopher Eduardo Nicol. She became his pupil as well as a member of his Seminar on Metaphysics for over 20 years and at the same time she worked in the field of Ethics on her own philosophical inquiries.

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Juliana González Valenzuela's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Juliana González Valenzuela?

Juliana González Valenzuela is affiliated with the following schools: