
June E. Osborn

Most Influential Person Now

American physician and researcher

June E. Osborn's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

June E. Osborn
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Public Health
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medical Degrees
June E. Osborn
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Medical
  • Philosophy

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Why Is June E. Osborn Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dr. June E. Osborn has served as an expert advisor on numerous urgent medical and health issues that include infectious diseases and their vaccines, virology, and public health policy as well as publishing research on these subjects. Osborn currently works on public health policy with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The World Health Organization, The National Institutes of Health, and The Food and Drug Administration.

Other Resources About June E. Osborn

What Schools Are Affiliated With June E. Osborn?

June E. Osborn is affiliated with the following schools: