
Justin B. Ries

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American marine scientist

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According to Wikipedia, Justin Baker Ries is an American marine scientist, best known for his contributions to ocean acidification, carbon sequestration, and biomineralization research. Biography Ries was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and attended the Friends School of Baltimore. He received a B.A. from Franklin and Marshall College and a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University for a dissertation 'Experiments on the effect of secular variation in seawater Mg/Ca on calcareous biomineralization'. He received postdoctoral training at the Johns Hopkins University, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the California Institute of Technology. Ries was a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for five years before becoming a professor at Northeastern University in 2013. At Northeastern, he is affiliated with the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences, the Marine Science Center, and the Institute for Coastal Sustainability.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Justin B. Ries?

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