
Kamil Zvelebil

Most Influential Person Now

Czech indologist

Kamil Zvelebil's Degrees

Why Is Kamil Zvelebil Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Kamil Václav Zvelebil was a Czech scholar in Indian literature and linguistics, notably Tamil, Sanskrit, Dravidian linguistics and literature and philology. Life and career Zvelebil studied at the Charles University in Prague from 1946 to 1952 where he majored in Indology, English, literature and philosophy. After obtaining his PhD in 1952 and until 1970 he was a senior research fellow in Tamil and Dravidian linguistics and literature at the Oriental Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He held the role of associate professor of Tamil and Dravidian at Charles University in Prague until 1968, when he and his family were forced to flee after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. They fled to the United States at first, but later settled in the Netherlands.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Kamil Zvelebil?

Kamil Zvelebil is affiliated with the following schools: