
Karen Ramey Burns

Most Influential Person Now

Forensic anthropologist

Karen Ramey Burns's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Karen Ramey Burns
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Forensic Anthropology
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USA Rank
anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is Karen Ramey Burns Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Karen Ramey Burns was an American forensic anthropologist known for work in international human rights. Her specialty was the recovery and identification of human remains in criminal, historical, archaeological, and disaster-related circumstances. She worked on a number of high-profile cases, including the Raboteau Massacre and trial in Haiti, the Río Negro massacre in Guatemala, victims of genocide in Iraqi Kurdistan, the Amelia Earhart search in Kiribati, Fiji, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the identification of the Kazimierz Pułaski remains in Savannah, Georgia, United States. She was also active in international forensic training and taught human osteology and forensic anthropology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. she also was worked on identifying victims of 9/11. She was a 2007-08 Fulbright Scholar at the University of the Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, where she also worked with EQUITAS, a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping families of disappeared persons due to the ongoing Colombian conflict.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Karen Ramey Burns?

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