
Katarina Majerhold

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  • Philosophy

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According to Wikipedia, Katarina Majerhold is a Slovenian philosopher, writer and editor. She is particularly interested in philosophy of emotions, especially in philosophy of love and sexuality, happiness, philosophical counseling and ethics. In 2017 she published an article on the History of Love in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. She has been a member of Society for the Philosophy of Sex + Love since 1998. In 2020 she wrote her concept of love as a creative dynamic work In which she claims that all known western concepts of love are based on lack of something or someone, such as primordial wholeness, God, Mother, whereas she founds her concept of love as happy and peaceful on pragmatical, enthusiastic and ecstatic foundation that promotes personal and couple's happiness, reciprocity, satisfaction and creative and intellectual work. Her article The Crisis of the Meaning of Philosophy was awarded as an essay of the decade by the journal Sodobnost in 2012, and reproduced on radio .

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