
Kim Se-hwang

Most Influential Person Now

South Korean guitarist, singer-songwriter

Why Is Kim Se-hwang Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Kim Se-hwang is a South Korean guitarist, singer-songwriter and arranger. In 1991, he formed Downtown, a rock group, and produced their self-titled debut album in 1993. He was a member of the rock band N.EX.T, which he joined in 1994, the metal band NovaSonic and the rock band 2Cell. In 2011, he produced the album Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, reinterpreting portions of The Four Seasons with an electric guitar. In 2014, he became the first Korean artist to have his guitar displayed in the Guitar Center store in Hollywood, at "Hollywood's RockWalk", a hall of fame honoring musical artists.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Kim Se-hwang?

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