
Koganei Yoshikiyo

Most Influential Person Across History

Japanese anatomist and anthropologist

Koganei Yoshikiyo's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Koganei Yoshikiyo
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
Koganei Yoshikiyo
Historical Rank
Historical Rank
biology Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Biology

Koganei Yoshikiyo's Degrees

Why Is Koganei Yoshikiyo Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Koganei Yoshikiyo was a Japanese anatomist and anthropologist of the Meiji period. Biography A child of an Echigo Nagaoka clansman, he graduated from East School, the precursor of the Tokyo Imperial University medical school, in 1880. He then went to Germany where he learned anatomy and histology. He returned to Japan in 1885, and in the following year he was appointed a professor at Tokyo Imperial University Medical School, becoming the first Japanese lecturer on anatomy in the school.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Koganei Yoshikiyo?

Koganei Yoshikiyo is affiliated with the following schools: