
Laura J. Snyder

Most Influential Person Now

American historian, philosopher, and writer

Laura J. Snyder's Academic­ Rankings

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Laura J. Snyder
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philosophy Degrees
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  • History
  • Philosophy

Why Is Laura J. Snyder Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Laura J. Snyder is an American historian, philosopher, and writer. She is a Fulbright Scholar, is a Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, was the first Leon Levy/Alfred P. Sloan fellow at The Leon Levy Center for Biography at The Graduate Center, CUNY, and is the recipient of an NEH Public Scholars grant. She writes narrative-driven non-fiction books including, most recently, Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing, which won the Society for the History of Technology's 2016 Sally Hacker Prize. In 2019, Snyder signed a contract with A. A. Knopf to author a biography of Oliver Sacks, based on exclusive access to the Sacks archive. Snyder also writes for The Wall Street Journal. She lives in New York City, where she was a philosophy professor at St. John's University for twenty-one years.

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