
Lawrence Venuti

Most Influential Person Now

American translator

Lawrence Venuti's Academic­ Rankings

Lawrence Venuti
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World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
communications Degrees
Lawrence Venuti
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
literature Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Literature

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Why Is Lawrence Venuti Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lawrence Venuti is an American translation theorist, translation historian, and a translator from Italian, French, and Catalan. Career Born in Philadelphia, Venuti graduated from Temple University. In 1980 he completed a Ph.D. in English at Columbia University, where he studied with historically oriented literary scholars such as Joseph Mazzeo and Edward Tayler as well as theoretically engaged cultural and social critics such as Edward Said and Sylvere Lotringer. That year he received the Renato Poggioli Award for Italian Translation for his translation of Barbara Alberti's novel Delirium.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lawrence Venuti?

Lawrence Venuti is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Lawrence Venuti's Academic Contributions?

Lawrence Venuti is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and literature.

Lawrence Venuti has made the following academic contributions: