
Leah Gaskin Fitchue

Most Influential Person Now

American city official, professor of religious studies and college administrator

Leah Gaskin Fitchue's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Leah Gaskin Fitchue
Religious Studies
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religious-studies Degrees
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  • Religious Studies

Why Is Leah Gaskin Fitchue Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Leah Gaskin Fitchue , also known as Leah Gaskin White and Leah Gaskin Coles, was an American city official, professor of religious studies and college administrator. She was president of Payne Theological Seminary from 2003 to 2015.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Leah Gaskin Fitchue?

Leah Gaskin Fitchue is affiliated with the following schools: