
Leonardo López Luján

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Leonardo López Luján's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Leonardo López Luján's Degrees

Why Is Leonardo López Luján Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Leonardo Náuhmitl López Luján is an archaeologist and one of the leading researchers of pre-Hispanic Central Mexican societies and the history of archaeology in Mexico. He is director of the Templo Mayor Project in Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History since 1991 and son of renowned historian Alfredo López Austin. He is fellow of El Colegio Nacional, the British Academy, the Society of Antiquaries of London, the Real Academia de la Historia in Madrid, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Leonardo López Luján?

Leonardo López Luján is affiliated with the following schools: