
Li Sizhong

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Why Is Li Sizhong Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Li Sizhong was an ichthyologist with the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Throughout his research career, he made numerous discoveries of new fish species , and published many books and research papers describing the fauna and geographical distribution of fishes in China and beyond. He translated and helped publication of the Chinese editions of Fishes of the World and Fish Migration . Li was the major author of two published volumes in the Fauna Sinica monograph series, systematically reviewing and describing orders of bony fishes that include flat fish, cod, silverside, pearlfish, killifish, flying fish, etc. in or near China. He had written over 40 popular science articles about fish on Chinese newspapers and magazines, and been responsible for compiling and editing fish-related entries in several standard reference books . His works on freshwater ichthyofauna of China as well as other aspects of ichthyology are considered to be among some of the most notable in the Chinese ichthyology literature.

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