
Libuše Dušková

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Czech linguist and university educator

Libuše Dušková's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Libuše Dušková Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Libuše Dušková is a Czech linguist specializing in the fields of contrastive analysis of English grammar and functional syntax, member of the Prague Linguistic Circle and key representative of the Prague School of Linguistics. She is Professor Emerita of English Linguistics at Charles University. Her research spans a broad spectrum of topics in English linguistics, namely the verb phrase, the noun phrase, simple and complex sentences, the grammar-text interface, and aspects of the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective viewed through the prism of Jan Firbas' approach.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Libuše Dušková?

Libuše Dušková is affiliated with the following schools: