
Lidiya Ponomarenko

Most Influential Person Now

Ukrainian local historian, cartographer

Why Is Lidiya Ponomarenko Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lydia Antonovna Ponomarenko was a Ukrainian local historian, researcher of historical topography and urban toponymy, co-author of an encyclopedic directory of Kiev street names. Biography Lydia Antonovna Ponomarenko was born in the family of a miner at the Artyom mine. Ponomarenko graduated from a secondary school in Krasnodon in 1939 and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography in 1949. Ponomarenko worked in her specialty in Novoshakhtinsk, Kadievka.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lidiya Ponomarenko?

Lidiya Ponomarenko is affiliated with the following schools: