
Linda Bauld

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Why Is Linda Bauld Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Linda Caroline Bauld is the Bruce and John Usher Chair of Public Health in The Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh and Chief Social Policy Advisor to the Scottish government. Early life and education Bauld was born in Edinburgh. Her parents emigrated to Canada from Scotland in 1979 when she was a child. She spent her teenage years on Vancouver Island and attended Glenlyon Norfolk School in Victoria. She completed high school at the top of her graduating class in 1987 and was awarded a Governor General's Medal by the Province of British Columbia. She spent a year in Grenoble, France as an exchange student between 1987 and 1988. She completed her bachelor's degree in Political Science at the University of Toronto in 1993. During her time as an undergraduate she was involved in the Hart House Debating Society and competed in public speaking and debating competitions in the US and Canada. In 1991, she was awarded best individual debater at the North American Debating Championship. She earned her PhD in social policy at the University of Edinburgh.

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Linda Bauld's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Linda Bauld?

Linda Bauld is affiliated with the following schools: