
Lisa Ginzburg

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Italian writer and philosopher

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  • Philosophy

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According to Wikipedia, Lisa Ginzburg is an Italian author, translator and philosopher. She currently lives in Paris. Biography The daughter of Carlo Ginzburg and Anna Rossi-Doria, she graduated in philosophy at the Sapienza University in Rome and further specialized her studies at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Tuscany. At first, she dedicated her studies to French mysticism from the Seventeenth century . She also worked as a translator . Moreover, she contributed to Italian newspapers and magazines, such as Il Messaggero and Domus. She edited, together with Cesare Garboli, È difficile parlare di sé, a multilateral conversation led by Marino Sinibaldi, which was published by Einaudi in 1999 and later translated into German and English .

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