
Liu Cixin

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Chinese science fiction writer

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Why Is Liu Cixin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Liu Cixin is a Chinese computer engineer and science fiction writer. He is a nine-time winner of China's Galaxy Award and has also received the 2015 Hugo Award for his novel The Three-Body Problem as well as the 2017 Locus Award for Death's End. He is also a winner of the Chinese Nebula Award. In English translations of his works, his name is given as Cixin Liu. He is a member of China Science Writers Association and the vice president of Shanxi Writers Association. He is sometimes called "Da Liu" by his fellow science fiction writers in China.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Liu Cixin?

Liu Cixin is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Liu Cixin's Academic Contributions?

Liu Cixin is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Liu Cixin has made the following academic contributions: