
Lorenzo Nigro

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Italian archaeologist

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Why Is Lorenzo Nigro Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lorenzo Nigro is an Italian archaeologist, novelist and watercolorist. He is Full Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome. He directs four main archaeological expeditions at Jericho in Palestine, with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, at the Early Bronze Age fortified city, previously unknown, of Khirbet al-Batrawy in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and at Motya, a Phoenician city in Western Sicily, and he is co-director of the Institut National du Patrimoine-Sapienza University of Rome Expedition to Carthage. Since 2015 he started the archaeological exploration, again in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in the necropolis of Bethlehem and at the site of Tell es-Sheikh Abu Zarad, ancient Tappuah. In all these excavations it has been protagonist of several important discoveries, from the reconstruction of the Bronze Age City at Jericho, to the Temple of the Kothon at Motya, to the entire unknown city of Batrawy with its magnificent fortifications, the Palace of the Copper Axes , and the Broad Room temple. At Motya it has uncovered at least four temples and detailed a prehistoric stratigraphy at the foot of the acropolis showing that the island in Sicily was occupied and known to Mediterranean sailormen since the beginning of the 2nd Millennium BC.

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Lorenzo Nigro's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lorenzo Nigro?

Lorenzo Nigro is affiliated with the following schools: