
Louis-Jean Calvet

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French linguist

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Why Is Louis-Jean Calvet Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Louis-Jean Calvet is a French linguist. Biography As a student at the University of Nice, where he was a student of linguist Pierre Guiraud, Calvet was elected in 1964 to the national bureau of the Union Nationale des Étudiants de France. There, he was in charge of information and held the position of chief editor for the monthly publication 21.27. Then, as a student at the Sorbonne with André Martinet, he pursued a doctoral thesis titled "Le système des sigles en français contemporain" , and then another doctorate on "Langue, corps, société" . Calvet was first professor at Paris Descartes University, and then at Aix-Marseille University, a position that he held until 2012.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Louis-Jean Calvet?

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