
Lourdes J. Cruz

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Filipino biochemist

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  • Biology

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Why Is Lourdes J. Cruz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lourdes J. Cruz is a Filipino biochemist whose research has contributed to the understanding of the biochemistry of toxic peptides from the venom of fish-hunting Conus marine snails. Throughout the Philippines, she is known as the Sea Snail Venom Specialist. The characterization of over 50 biologically active peptides from the snail's venom had been made possible, in part, by her studies. Scientific findings regarding the peptides found in snails have applications in diagnostic tools for cancers and the development of drugs for the treatment of neurological disorders. She has also contributed to the development of conotoxins as tools for examining the activity of the human brain. Her contributions to science have earned her several awards and acknowledgements including being named a National Scientist of the Philippines in 2006.

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Lourdes J. Cruz's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lourdes J. Cruz?

Lourdes J. Cruz is affiliated with the following schools: