
Luce López-Baralt

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Puerto Rican historian

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Why Is Luce López-Baralt Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Luce López-Baralt is a prominent Puerto Rican scholar and essayist and a professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at the University of Puerto Rico. Academic career Many of her books and articles present for discussion the mystical literature and religious practices of Spain, renaissance and medieval , i.e., both Christian and Muslim. She acknowledges the influence of the early 20th century Spanish Arabist, the Rev. Miguel Asín Palacios, among others. In particular, she has followed traces of the trail that show a fruitful interaction between Muslims and Christians in Iberia, e.g., as it affected San Juan de la Cruz and Santa Teresa de Ávila. Evidently, this trail continues on, eventually leading also to the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. She has also done work on the literature of Puerto Rico.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Luce López-Baralt?

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