
Ludwig Häusser

Most Influential Person Across History

German historian, politician

Ludwig Häusser's Academic­ Rankings

Ludwig Häusser
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Why Is Ludwig Häusser Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ludwig Häusser was a German historian. Biography Häusser was born at Cleebourg, in Alsace. Studying philology at Heidelberg in 1835, he was led by F. C. Schlosser to give it up for history, and after continuing his historical work at Jena and teaching in the gymnasium at Wertheim he made his mark by his Die teutschen Geschichtsschreiber vom Anfang des Frankenreichs bis auf die Hohenstaufen . Next year appeared his Sage von Tell.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ludwig Häusser?

Ludwig Häusser is affiliated with the following schools: