Lydia Kavraki
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Greek computer scientist
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Computer Science
Lydia Kavraki's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Computer Science Stanford University
- Bachelors Computer Science University of Crete
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Why Is Lydia Kavraki Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Lydia E. Kavraki is a Greek-American computer scientist, the Noah Harding Professor of Computer Science, a professor of bioengineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical engineering at Rice University. She is also the director of the Ken Kennedy Institute at Rice University. She is known for her work on robotics/AI and bioinformatics/computational biology and in particular for the probabilistic roadmap method for robot motion planning and biomolecular configuration analysis.
Lydia Kavraki's Published Works
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Published Works
- Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces (1996) (2053)
- The Open Motion Planning Library (2012) (1316)
- Path planning using lazy PRM (2000) (852)
- Practical robust localization over large-scale 802.11 wireless networks (2004) (821)
- Robotics-Based Location Sensing Using Wireless Ethernet (2002) (711)
- Analysis of probabilistic roadmaps for path planning (1996) (545)
- Randomized preprocessing of configuration for fast path planning (1994) (444)
- On finding narrow passages with probabilistic roadmap planners (1998) (389)
- A Random Sampling Scheme for Path Planning (1997) (314)
- Low-dimensional, free-energy landscapes of protein-folding reactions by nonlinear dimensionality reduction (2006) (292)
- On the feasibility of using wireless ethernet for indoor localization (2004) (285)
- Sampling-based motion planning with temporal goals (2010) (236)
- Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration (2008) (212)
- Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation ERRATA!!!! 1 (2007) (200)
- Randomized path planning for linkages with closed kinematic chains (2001) (193)
- An accurate, sensitive, and scalable method to identify functional sites in protein structures. (2003) (191)
- Randomized query processing in robot path planning (1995) (187)
- Path planning for deformable linear objects (2006) (184)
- A two level fuzzy PRM for manipulation planning (2000) (182)
- Sampling-based roadmap of trees for parallel motion planning (2005) (181)
- Probabilistic Roadmaps for Robot Path Planning (1998) (176)
- Motion Planning With Dynamics by a Synergistic Combination of Layers of Planning (2010) (169)
- A framework for using the workspace medial axis in PRM planners (2000) (169)
- Incremental Task and Motion Planning: A Constraint-Based Approach (2016) (168)
- A probabilistic roadmap approach for systems with closed kinematic chains (1999) (164)
- Planning Paths for Elastic Objects under Manipulation Constraints (2001) (154)
- A Sampling-Based Tree Planner for Systems With Complex Dynamics (2012) (148)
- Motion Planning (2011) (134)
- Computation of configuration-space obstacles using the fast Fourier transform (1993) (133)
- Decomposition-based motion planning: a framework for real-time motion planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces (2001) (127)
- Conformational flexibility models for the receptor in structure based drug design. (2003) (123)
- Greedy but Safe Replanning under Kinodynamic Constraints (2007) (123)
- Motion Planning with Complex Goals (2011) (123)
- Robot Homing by Exploiting Panoramic Vision (2005) (121)
- Randomized planning for short inspection paths (2000) (121)
- Random networks in configuration space for fast path planning (1994) (120)
- Measure theoretic analysis of probabilistic path planning (2004) (120)
- From coarse‐grain to all‐atom: Toward multiscale analysis of protein landscapes (2007) (111)
- Understanding Protein Flexibility through Dimensionality Reduction (2003) (108)
- A probabilistic roadmap planner for flexible objects with a workspace medial-axis-based sampling approach (1999) (101)
- Using wireless Ethernet for localization (2002) (99)
- Real-time perception-guided motion planning for a personal robot (2009) (98)
- Understanding the challenges of protein flexibility in drug design (2015) (97)
- Falsification of LTL safety properties in hybrid systems (2009) (97)
- Sampling-Based Methods for Motion Planning with Constraints (2018) (97)
- An incremental constraint-based framework for task and motion planning (2018) (94)
- Simulated knot tying (2002) (89)
- Discrete Search Leading Continuous Exploration for Kinodynamic Motion Planning (2007) (87)
- Guided Expansive Spaces Trees: a search strategy for motion- and cost-constrained state spaces (2004) (86)
- Iterative temporal motion planning for hybrid systems in partially unknown environments (2013) (86)
- Sampling-based robot motion planning: Towards realistic applications (2007) (82)
- Modeling protein conformational ensembles: From missing loops to equilibrium fluctuations (2006) (82)
- Benchmarking Motion Planning Algorithms: An Extensible Infrastructure for Analysis and Visualization (2015) (82)
- Molecular docking: a problem with thousands of degrees of freedom (2001) (82)
- Part orientation with programmable vector fields: two stable equilibria for most parts (1997) (81)
- Motion Planning in the Presence of Drift, Underactuation and Discrete System Changes (2005) (80)
- Towards manipulation planning with temporal logic specifications (2015) (78)
- Prediction of enzyme function based on 3D templates of evolutionarily important amino acids (2008) (77)
- Randomized preprocessing of configuration space for path planning: articulated robots (1994) (77)
- DINC 2.0: A New Protein-Peptide Docking Webserver Using an Incremental Approach. (2017) (77)
- Part orientation with one or two stable equilibria using programmable force fields (2000) (76)
- Hybrid systems: from verification to falsification by combining motion planning and discrete search (2008) (76)
- On the Complexity of Assembly Partitioning (1993) (75)
- Iterative Temporal Planning in Uncertain Environments With Partial Satisfaction Guarantees (2016) (74)
- Multiscale characterization of protein conformational ensembles (2009) (74)
- Fast Tree-Based Exploration of State Space for Robots with Dynamics (2004) (74)
- Tracing conformational changes in proteins (2009) (74)
- Evaluation of algorithms for bearing-only SLAM (2006) (74)
- SMT-based synthesis of integrated task and motion plans from plan outlines (2014) (73)
- Two-Handed Assembly Sequencing (1995) (72)
- Algorithmic issues in modeling motion (2002) (72)
- Deformable volumes in path planning applications (2000) (72)
- Probabilistic Roadmaps of Trees for Parallel Computation of Multiple Query Roadmaps (2003) (69)
- A New Method for Fast and Accurate Derivation of Molecular Conformations (2002) (69)
- Randomized Physics-Based Motion Planning for Grasping in Cluttered and Uncertain Environments (2017) (67)
- Partitioning a Planar Assembly Into Two Connected Parts is NP-Complete (1995) (65)
- Computational Approaches to Drug Design (1999) (63)
- OOPS for Motion Planning: An Online, Open-source, Programming System (2007) (62)
- RAPID: randomized pharmacophore identification for drug design (1997) (62)
- Using Motion Planning for Knot Untangling (2004) (61)
- Distributed computation of the knn graph for large high-dimensional point sets (2007) (61)
- This Time the Robot Settles for a Cost: A Quantitative Approach to Temporal Logic Planning with Partial Satisfaction (2015) (60)
- Anytime solution optimization for sampling-based motion planning (2013) (59)
- Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to characterize the conformational landscape of small peptides (2010) (58)
- Angle-based methods for mobile robot navigation: reaching the entire plane (2004) (57)
- Safe distributed motion coordination for second-order systems with different planning cycles (2012) (57)
- Finding metabolic pathways using atom tracking (2010) (57)
- Multiple query probabilistic roadmap planning using single query planning primitives (2003) (57)
- Quantitative Analysis of Nearest-Neighbors Search in High-Dimensional Sampling-Based Motion Planning (2006) (56)
- Motion planning with hybrid dynamics and temporal goals (2010) (55)
- Computational challenges in systems biology (2009) (54)
- Planning Paths for a Flexible Surface Patch (1998) (54)
- Exploring implicit spaces for constrained sampling-based planning (2019) (54)
- Path planning for minimal energy curves of constant length (2004) (53)
- Learning Feasibility for Task and Motion Planning in Tabletop Environments (2019) (52)
- Treatment planning for a radiosurgical system with general kinematics (1994) (52)
- Computational models of protein kinematics and dynamics: beyond simulation. (2012) (50)
- Fast and reliable analysis of molecular motion using proximity relations and dimensionality reduction (2007) (49)
- Towards planning for elastic objects (1998) (49)
- A dimensionality reduction approach to modeling protein flexibility (2002) (47)
- Platform-Independent Benchmarks for Task and Motion Planning (2018) (46)
- Electrostatic contributions drive the interaction between Staphylococcus aureus protein Efb‐C and its complement target C3d (2008) (46)
- Modeling Structures and Motions of Loops in Protein Molecules (2012) (44)
- Quantitative comparison of adaptive sampling methods for protein dynamics. (2018) (43)
- Randomized Query Processing in Robot Motion Planning (1998) (43)
- Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking with Real-Time, Randomized Optimization (2003) (42)
- The MASH Pipeline for Protein Function Prediction and an Algorithm for the Geometric Refinement of 3D Motifs (2007) (42)
- Interpreting T-Cell Cross-reactivity through Structure: Implications for TCR-Based Cancer Immunotherapy (2017) (40)
- Structure-based Methods for Binding Mode and Binding Affinity Prediction for Peptide-MHC Complexes. (2019) (40)
- Geometric Manipulation of Flexible Ligands (1996) (39)
- DINC: A new AutoDock-based protocol for docking large ligands (2013) (39)
- Algorithms for Structural Comparison and Statistical Analysis of 3D Protein Motifs (2004) (39)
- Distributed Sampling-Based Roadmap of Trees for Large-Scale Motion Planning (2005) (37)
- Capturing the Connectivity of High-Dimensional Geometric Spaces by Parallelizable Random Sampling Techniques (1998) (37)
- Generalizing the analysis of PRM (2002) (37)
- On the characterization of protein native state ensembles. (2007) (37)
- Mobile manipulation: Encoding motion planning options using task motion multigraphs (2011) (36)
- Hybrid Systems: From Verification to Falsification (2007) (36)
- A Distributed, Universal Device For Planar Parts Feeding: Unique Part Orientation in Programmable Force Fields (2000) (34)
- Recurrent use of evolutionary importance for functional annotation of proteins based on local structural similarity (2006) (33)
- Safe and Distributed Kinodynamic Replanning for Vehicular Networks (2009) (33)
- The LabelHash algorithm for substructure matching (2010) (32)
- On the implementation of single-query sampling-based motion planners (2010) (32)
- General Prediction of Peptide-MHC Binding Modes Using Incremental Docking: A Proof of Concept (2018) (32)
- Planning feasible and safe paths online for autonomous underwater vehicles in unknown environments (2016) (31)
- A decentralized planner that guarantees the safety of communicating vehicles with complex dynamics that replan online (2007) (31)
- Targeting the Src Homology 2 (SH2) Domain of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 6 (STAT6) with Cell-Permeable, Phosphatase-Stable Phosphopeptide Mimics Potently Inhibits Tyr641 Phosphorylation and Transcriptional Activity. (2015) (31)
- Task and Motion Policy Synthesis as Liveness Games (2016) (30)
- Online motion planning for unexplored underwater environments using autonomous underwater vehicles (2018) (29)
- Part Orientation with One or Two Stable Equilibria Using Programmable Vector Fields (1999) (29)
- Using Local Experiences for Global Motion Planning (2019) (29)
- Asymptotically Optimal Stochastic Motion Planning with Temporal Goals (2014) (28)
- Resolution Independent Density Estimation for motion planning in high-dimensional spaces (2013) (28)
- Reactive synthesis for finite tasks under resource constraints (2017) (28)
- A randomized kinematics-based approach to pharmacophore-constrained conformational search and database screening (2000) (27)
- A randomized kinematics‐based approach to pharmacophore‐constrained conformational search and database screening (2000) (27)
- Unfolding the fold of cyclic cysteine‐rich peptides (2008) (27)
- Bounded Policy Synthesis for POMDPs with Safe-Reachability Objectives (2018) (26)
- Improving conformational searches by geometric screening (2005) (26)
- Path Planning for Variable Resolution Minimal-Energy Curves of Constant Length (2005) (26)
- Extending the Applicability of POMDP Solutions to Robotic Tasks (2015) (26)
- A geometric approach to designing a programmable force field with a unique stable equilibrium for parts in the plane (2001) (26)
- A heuristic approach to finding diverse short paths (2015) (25)
- The Task-Motion Kit: An Open Source, General-Purpose Task and Motion-Planning Framework (2018) (25)
- Robot Algorithms (1995) (24)
- Binding Modes of Peptidomimetics Designed to Inhibit STAT3 (2012) (24)
- Geometric Sieving: Automated Distributed Optimization of 3D Motifs for Protein Function Prediction (2006) (23)
- Machine Learning Guided 3D Printing of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds. (2020) (23)
- Cavity-aware motifs reduce false positives in protein function prediction. (2006) (23)
- APE-Gen: A Fast Method for Generating Ensembles of Bound Peptide-MHC Conformations (2019) (23)
- On the performance of random linear projections for sampling-based motion planning (2009) (22)
- Efficient Symbolic Reactive Synthesis for Finite-Horizon Tasks (2019) (22)
- Path planning for elastic plates under manipulation constraints (1999) (22)
- Roadmap methods for protein folding. (2008) (21)
- Matching of structural motifs using hashing on residue labels and geometric filtering for protein function prediction. (2008) (21)
- Coarse-Grained Conformational Sampling of Protein Structure Improves the Fit to Experimental Hydrogen-Exchange Data (2017) (20)
- Geometry and the Discovery of New Ligands (1996) (20)
- A review of parameters and heuristics for guiding metabolic pathfinding (2017) (20)
- Online Multilayered Motion Planning with Dynamic Constraints for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (2019) (19)
- Sampling Conformation Space to Model Equilibrium Fluctuations in Proteins (2007) (19)
- Automated model approximation for robotic navigation with POMDPs (2013) (19)
- Cavity Scaling: Automated Refinement of Cavity-Aware motifs in protein Function Prediction (2007) (18)
- Optimal and Efficient Stochastic Motion Planning in Partially-Known Environments (2014) (18)
- An Extensible Benchmarking Infrastructure for Motion Planning Algorithms (2014) (18)
- Informed and probabilistically complete search for motion planning under differential constraints (2008) (18)
- SIMS: A Hybrid Method for Rapid Conformational Analysis (2013) (18)
- Impact of workspace decompositions on discrete search leading continuous exploration (DSLX) motion planning (2008) (18)
- Using parallelized incremental meta-docking can solve the conformational sampling issue when docking large ligands to proteins (2019) (17)
- HLA-Arena: A Customizable Environment for the Structural Modeling and Analysis of Peptide-HLA Complexes for Cancer Immunotherapy (2020) (16)
- Accounting for uncertainty in simultaneous task and motion planning using task motion multigraphs (2012) (16)
- Analysis of substructural variation in families of enzymatic proteins with applications to protein function prediction (2010) (16)
- Informing Multi-Modal Planning with Synergistic Discrete Leads (2020) (16)
- High-dimensional Winding-Augmented Motion Planning with 2D topological task projections and persistent homology (2016) (16)
- Motion Planning for Knot Untangling (2002) (16)
- Kinodynamic motion planning with hardware demonstrations (2008) (16)
- Positioning of Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Parts Using Radial and Constant Fields: Computation of All Equilibrium Configurations (2001) (16)
- Decoupling Constraints from Sampling-Based Planners (2019) (15)
- Fast stochastic motion planning with optimality guarantees using local policy reconfiguration (2014) (15)
- Robotics : the algorithmic perspective : the Third Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (1998) (15)
- An Algorithm for Efficient Identification of Branched Metabolic Pathways (2011) (15)
- Combinatorial Clustering of Residue Position Subsets Predicts Inhibitor Affinity across the Human Kinome (2013) (15)
- Learning Sampling Distributions Using Local 3D Workspace Decompositions for Motion Planning in High Dimensions (2020) (15)
- Exploiting Panoramic Vision for Bearing-Only Robot Homing (2006) (15)
- Prediction of drug metabolites using neural machine translation† (2020) (14)
- Reconfiguration for Modular Robots Using Kinodynamic Motion Planning (2008) (14)
- Protein–Ligand Interactions: Computational Docking (2012) (14)
- LTLf Synthesis on Probabilistic Systems (2020) (14)
- A Randomized Approach to Robot Path Planning Based on Lazy Evaluation (2001) (14)
- MotionBenchMaker: A Tool to Generate and Benchmark Motion Planning Datasets (2021) (14)
- A sampling-based strategy planner for nondeterministic hybrid systems (2014) (13)
- Motion planning for physical simulation (2007) (13)
- A distributed protocol for safe real-time planning of communicating vehicles with second-order dynamics (2007) (13)
- Linear Systems and Control (2005) (12)
- Asynchronous Distributed Motion Planning with Safety Guarantees under Second-Order Dynamics (2010) (12)
- Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy (2021) (12)
- Sampling-Based Algorithms (2005) (12)
- The Task Motion Kit (2016) (12)
- A statistical model to correct systematic bias introduced by algorithmic thresholds in protein structural comparison algorithms (2008) (12)
- Increasing Robot Autonomy via Motion Planning and an Augmented Reality Interface (2020) (12)
- Large-Scale Structure-Based Prediction of Stable Peptide Binding to Class I HLAs Using Random Forests (2020) (12)
- Automated Abstraction of Manipulation Domains for Cost-Based Reactive Synthesis (2019) (11)
- A New Method for Fast and Accurate Derivation of Molecular Conformations. (2010) (11)
- Positioning Symmetric and Non-Symmetric Parts using Radial and Constant Force Fields (2000) (11)
- A General Algorithm for Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation Subject to Minimum and Maximum Constraints (2016) (11)
- Markov state modeling reveals alternative unbinding pathways for peptide–MHC complexes (2020) (11)
- Replanning: A powerful planning strategy for hard kinodynamic problems (2008) (11)
- A Motion Planner for a Hybrid Robotic System with Kinodynamic Constraints (2007) (10)
- Atlas + X: Sampling-based Planners on Constraint Manifolds (2017) (10)
- A scalable motion planner for high-dimensional kinematic systems (2020) (10)
- Decomposition-based Motion Planning: Towards Real-time Planning forRobots with Many Degrees of Freedom (2000) (10)
- A General Task and Motion Planning Framework For Multiple Manipulators (2021) (10)
- Path Planning for Manipulation Using Experience-Driven Random Trees (2021) (10)
- Improving protein conformational sampling by using guiding projections (2015) (9)
- Robonaut 2 and you: Specifying and executing complex operations (2017) (9)
- A Single Universal Force Field Can Uniquely Orient Non-Symmetric Parts (2000) (9)
- Fast intersection checking for parametric deformable models (2005) (9)
- Kinematically constrained workspace control via linear optimization (2015) (9)
- On the advantages of task motion multigraphs for efficient mobile manipulation (2011) (9)
- On the Number of Equilibrium Placements of Mass Distributions in Elliptic Potential Fields (1995) (9)
- On modeling peptidomimetics in complex with the SH2 domain of Stat3 (2011) (8)
- Positioning and orienting a class of symmetric parts using a combination of a unit-radial and a constant force fields (2000) (8)
- Efficient database screening for rational drug design using pharmacophore-constrained conformational search (1999) (8)
- Part assembly using static and dynamic force fields (2000) (8)
- Online Partial Conditional Plan Synthesis for POMDPs With Safe-Reachability Objectives: Methods and Experiments (2018) (8)
- An Evaluation of Different Clustering Methods and Distance Measures Used for Grouping Metabolic Pathways (2015) (8)
- Finding Solutions of the Inverse Kinematics Problems in Computer-aided Drug Design (2002) (8)
- Machine Learning Guided Atom Mapping of Metabolic Reactions (2018) (8)
- Decomposition-based Motion Planning: A Framework for Real-time Motion Planning in High-dimensional Spaces. (2001) (7)
- Structural Modeling and Molecular Dynamics of the Immune Checkpoint Molecule HLA-G (2020) (7)
- Multi‐scale characterization of the energy landscape of proteins with application to the C3D/Efb‐C complex (2010) (7)
- Asymptotically Optimal Kinodynamic Planning Using Bundles of Edges (2021) (7)
- Randomized query processing in robot path planning (Extended Abstract). (1995) (7)
- Unix Philosophy and the Real World: Control Software for Humanoid Robots (2016) (7)
- Composite motifs integrating multiple protein structures increase sensitivity for function prediction. (2007) (7)
- Spec2Mol: An end-to-end deep learning framework for translating MS/MS Spectra to de-novo molecules (2021) (6)
- Lazy Evaluation of Goal Specifications Guided by Motion Planning (2019) (6)
- LabelHash: A Flexible and Extensible Method for Matching Structural Motifs (2008) (6)
- Defining Low-Dimensional Projections to Guide Protein Conformational Sampling (2017) (6)
- Sampling-Based Motion Planning for Uncertain High-Dimensional Systems via Adaptive Control (2021) (6)
- Finite-Horizon Synthesis for Probabilistic Manipulation Domains (2021) (6)
- Large-Scale Structure-Based Screening of Potential T Cell Cross-Reactivities Involving Peptide-Targets From BCG Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 (2022) (6)
- Chapter 5 Motion Planning (2007) (6)
- Multi-objective sensor-based replanning for a car-like robot (2012) (6)
- Singular Value Decomposition of Protein Conformational Motions: Application to HIV-1 Protease (2000) (5)
- The LabelHash Server and Tools for substructure-based functional annotation (2011) (5)
- Computational analysis of complement inhibitor compstatin using molecular dynamics (2020) (5)
- HyperPlan: A Framework for Motion Planning Algorithm Selection and Parameter Optimization (2021) (5)
- KDF: Kinodynamic Motion Planning via Geometric Sampling-Based Algorithms and Funnel Control (2021) (5)
- Robust Optimization-based Motion Planning for high-DOF Robots under Sensing Uncertainty (2021) (5)
- Using Experience to Improve Constrained Planning on Foliations for Multi-Modal Problems (2021) (5)
- Native State of Complement Protein C3d Analysed via Hydrogen Exchange and Conformational Sampling. (2018) (5)
- Improving the organization and interactivity of metabolic pathfinding with precomputed pathways (2020) (5)
- DINC-COVID: A webserver for ensemble docking with flexible SARS-CoV-2 proteins (2021) (4)
- Graph representation learning for structural proteomics (2021) (4)
- A General Framework for Planning Paths for Elastic Objects (1999) (4)
- Structure-guided selection of specificity determining positions in the human Kinome (2015) (4)
- Auto dock-based incremental docking protocol to improve docking of large ligands (2012) (4)
- A Multi-layered Synergistic Approach to Motion Planning with Complex Goals (2011) (4)
- Part orientation with a force field: orienting multiple shapes using a single field (2001) (4)
- Low-dimensional projections for SyCLoP (2012) (4)
- Benchmarking Motion Planning Algorithms (2015) (4)
- A Robotics-Inspired Screening Algorithm for Molecular Caging Prediction (2020) (4)
- Software for project-based learning of robot motion planning (2013) (4)
- Big Data on Robotics (2016) (4)
- Robotics: The Algorithmic Perspective : WAFR 1998 (1998) (4)
- How Much Do Unstated Problem Constraints Limit Deep Robotic Reinforcement Learning? (2019) (4)
- Augmenting Control Policies with Motion Planning for Robust and Safe Multi-robot Navigation (2020) (3)
- Nonholonomic and Underactuated Systems (2005) (3)
- Identifying Branched Metabolic Pathways by Merging Linear Metabolic Pathways (2011) (3)
- Adaptive Experience Sampling for Motion Planning Using the Generator-Critic Framework (2022) (3)
- Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction using Approximate Nearest Neighbors (2007) (3)
- Maintaining and Enhancing Diversity of Sampled Protein Conformations in Robotics-Inspired Methods (2018) (3)
- How Should We Prepare for the Post-Pandemic World of Telehealth and Digital Medicine? (2021) (3)
- Measure Theoretic Analysis of (2004) (3)
- Comparing Reconstruction- and Contrastive-based Models for Visual Task Planning (2021) (3)
- Rearrangement-Based Manipulation via Kinodynamic Planning and Dynamic Planning Horizons (2022) (3)
- Monte-Carlo Policy Synthesis in POMDPs with Quantitative and Qualitative Objectives (2019) (3)
- Teaching motion planning concepts to undergraduate students (2011) (3)
- Bipolarity of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Genome (2008) (3)
- Editorial: Special Issue on Robotics Techniques Applied to Computational Biology (2005) (3)
- On Flexible Docking Using Expansive Search (2005) (2)
- Active Planning, Sensing, and Recognition Using a Resource-Constrained Discriminant POMDP (2014) (2)
- Towards Real-time Motion Planning in High-dimensional Spaces (2000) (2)
- Motion Planning via Bayesian Learning in the Dark (2021) (2)
- Computing Forward Kinematics for Protein-like linear systems using Denavit-Hartenberg Local Frames (2)
- Revealing Unknown Protein Structures Using Computational Conformational Sampling Guided by Experimental Hydrogen-Exchange Data (2018) (2)
- Machine learning models in the prediction of drug metabolism: challenges and future perspectives (2021) (2)
- Point-Based Policy Synthesis for POMDPs With Boolean and Quantitative Objectives (2019) (2)
- Combining a POMDP Abstraction with Replanning to Solve Complex, Position-Dependent Sensing Tasks (2013) (2)
- Workspace Medial Axis in PRM Planners (2000) (2)
- From high-level tasks to low-level motions: motion planning for high-dimensional nonlinear hybrid robotic systems (2008) (2)
- Scaling Multimodal Planning: Using Experience and Informing Discrete Search (2023) (2)
- Synthesis of Integrated Task and Motion Plans from Plan Outlines Using SMT Solvers (2015) (2)
- A Sampling-based Motion Planning Framework for Complex Motor Actions (2021) (2)
- DINC-COVID: A webserver for ensemble docking with flexible SARS-CoV-2 proteins (2021) (1)
- Learning to Retrieve Relevant Experiences for Motion Planning (2022) (1)
- Synthesis from Satisficing and Temporal Goals (2022) (1)
- Multi-robot target verification with reachability constraints (2012) (1)
- Part Assembly Using Static and Dynamic Force (2000) (1)
- Robotics-Based Location Sensing based on Wireless Ethernet (2002) (1)
- Supporting Information : Binding modes of peptidomimetics designed to inhibit STAT 3 (2012) (1)
- National Science Foundation Workshop on Future Directions in Cyber-Physical Systems, Robotics, and Autonomy (2015) (1)
- General Prediction of Peptide-MHC Binding Modes Using Incremental Docking: A Proof of Concept (2018) (1)
- A Two Level Fuzzy PRM (2000) (1)
- Native state of complement protein C3d analysed via hydrogen exchange and conformational sampling (2018) (1)
- Computational discovery and analysis of metabolic pathways (2010) (1)
- Human Health and Equity in an Age of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (2022) (1)
- Editorial: special issue on the 2014 “Robotics: Science & Systems” conference (2015) (1)
- 3pHLA-score improves structure-based peptide-HLA binding affinity prediction (2022) (1)
- Improving the Prediction of Kinase Binding Affinity Using Homology Models (2013) (1)
- Mapping the Structural Landscape of Protein Families with Geometric Feature Vectors by (2009) (0)
- Search Techniques for Rational Drug DesignP (2007) (0)
- Special RECOMB 2002 Issue (2004) (0)
- BIOINFORMATICS Structural bioinformatics Improving conformational searches by geometric screening (2005) (0)
- Polyhedral Robots in Polyhedral Worlds (2005) (0)
- Benchmarking of task and motion planners (2018) (0)
- Basic Set Definitions (2005) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Machine Learning in Tissue Engineering. (2022) (0)
- Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction using Approximate Nearest Neighbors ∗ Erion (0)
- Using parallelized incremental meta-docking can solve the conformational sampling issue when docking large ligands to proteins (2019) (0)
- Towards Real-time Motion Planning in High-dimensional Spa esOliver (2000) (0)
- AutoDock-based incremental docking protocol improves docking of large ligands (2012) (0)
- A New Method for Fast and A urateDerivation of Mole ular (2007) (0)
- LabelHash: A Fast, Versatile Substructure Matching Tool for Functional Annotation and Modeling S (2010) (0)
- Search techniques for rational drug design (1997) (0)
- Fast and Reliable Analysis of Molecular Motion Using Proximity Relations and Dimensionality Reduction Research Article Authors (2007) (0)
- Representations of Structural Motifs for Protein Function Prediction (2007) (0)
- Robotics in the AI era: A vision for a Hellenic Robotics Initiative (2021) (0)
- Improvements in Synergistic Framework for Manipulation Tasks (2016) (0)
- PepSim: T-cell cross-reactivity prediction via comparison of peptide sequence and peptide-HLA structure (2023) (0)
- Kinodynamic Rapidly-exploring Random Forest for Rearrangement-Based Nonprehensile Manipulation (2023) (0)
- Editorial: special issue on the 2014 “Robotics: Science & Systems” conference (2015) (0)
- Teaching Robot Motion Planning (2010) (0)
- Automatic Cross-domain Task Plan Transfer by Caching Abstract Skills (2022) (0)
- On the conformational flexibility of C3b: A molecular insight into activation and transformation of a major complement effector (2012) (0)
- Multilayered Motion Planning with Dynamic Constraints for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (2019) (0)
- Robotics: Science and Systems X (2014) (0)
- less Ethernet for Localization (2002) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Machine Learning in Tissue Engineering. (2022) (0)
- Message from the General Co-chairs (2014) (0)
- 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops, BIBMW 2012, Philadelphia, USA, October 4-7, 2012 (2012) (0)
- Editorial for Special Issue on Machine Learning in Tissue Engineering. (2022) (0)
- Solving Rearrangement Puzzles using Path Defragmentation in Factored State Spaces (2022) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Machine Learning in Tissue Engineering. (2022) (0)
- Manuscript accepted to special issue of Protein Science relating to function annotation work shown at the 2005 ISMB conference) (2006) (0)
- Computational Modeling of Proteins and Molecular Interactions: Beyond Simulation (2019) (0)
- SARS-Arena: Sequence and Structure-Guided Selection of Conserved Peptides from SARS-related Coronaviruses for Novel Vaccine Development (2022) (0)
- Global Workspace Local Samplers Global SamplerLocal Primitives Fixed Base Start Goal (2019) (0)
- Prediction of Drug Metabolism Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (2020) (0)
- Synthesis for POMDPs with Safe-Reachability Objectives Robotics Track (2018) (0)
- Using Wire 2002 Ieee/rjs Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems Less Ethernet for Localization (2002) (0)
- Motion Planni 5 . Motion Planning (2008) (0)
- Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity Classes (2005) (0)
- Charge-based interactions through peptide position 4 drive diversity of antigen presentation by human leukocyte antigen class I molecules (2022) (0)
- Graph Representation and Basic Search (2005) (0)
- EnGens: a computational framework for generation and analysis of representative protein conformational ensembles (2023) (0)
- Failure is an option: Task and Motion Planning with Failing Executions (2022) (0)
- The Planner Optimization Problem: Formulations and Frameworks (2023) (0)
- of Flexible Ligands (1996) (0)
- UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Learning to Recognize Human Activities from Soft Labeled Data (2014) (0)
- Human-Guided Motion Planning in Partially Observable Environments (2022) (0)
- Novel insights into target specificities and molecular mechanisms for two potent complement evasion proteins from Staphylococcus aureus (2008) (0)
- 51 Robotics (2016) (0)
- Look Before You Leap : Predictive Sensing and Opportunistic Navigation (2011) (0)
- Representations of Orientation (2005) (0)
- C 3 d protein Efb-C and its complement targetStaphylococcus aureus Electrostatic contributions drive the interaction between data (0)
- Understanding the Role of Housekeeping and Stress-Related Genes in Transcription-Regulatory Networks (2008) (0)
- Visualizing the Results of Metabolic Pathway Queries (2009) (0)
- Editorial (2005) (0)
- Author Index (2002) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Big Data in Robotics. (2016) (0)
- Approximating solutions of molecular inverse kinematics problems by subdivision (2002) (0)
- Part Orientation Wit 1997 Ieee International Conference on Robotics and Automation H Programmable Vector Fields: Two Stable Equilibria for Most Parts (2007) (0)
- Sample Contributed Book Sample Contributed Book (2000) (0)
- Task and Motion Policy Synthesis for Mobile Manipulation (2016) (0)
- Sampling-based Motion Planning for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems via Funnel Control (2021) (0)
- International Conference on Robotics and Automation ( ICRA ) , May 2019 Using Local Experiences for Global Motion Planning (2019) (0)
- Topology and Metric Spaces (2005) (0)
- Falsification of LTL safety properties in hybrid systems (2012) (0)
- Geometric Manipulation of F Lexible Ligands ? (1996) (0)
- Modeling 3D Minimal-Energy Curves of Given Length (2005) (0)
- Object Reconfiguration with Simulation-Derived Feasible Actions (2023) (0)
- Robot Homing by Exploiting Panoramic Vision Antonis (2005) (0)
- Functional Annotation of Proteins through Substructure Matching (2014) (0)
- On Flexible Docking Using Expansive Search — Preliminary Results (2004) (0)
- Computing and Updating Molecular Conformations Using the Atomgroup Local Frames Method (2001) (0)
- BIOINFORMATICS ORIGINAL Finding metabolic pathways using atom tracking (2010) (0)
- Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the 2016 Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) (2019) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Big Data in Robotics. (2016) (0)
- Force FieldCan Uniquely Pose Any Part up to SymmetryKarl (2007) (0)
- Probabilistic Roadmaps for RobotPath Planning (1998) (0)
- Geometry-inspired Optimization Methods for Structural Motifs for Protein Function Prediction (2007) (0)
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