
Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova

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Bulgarian archaeologist

Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova's Academic­ Rankings

Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova's Degrees

Why Is Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova was a pioneering Bulgarian archaeologist. She was the first underwater archaeologist in the country and headed the investigations of the ancient Thracian city of Nesebar. She became one of the leading Bulgarian researchers specializing in ancient and Thracian archeology, authoring over 100 scientific publications. She served on the faculty of Sofia University and as a senior researcher at the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova?

Lyuba Ognenova-Marinova is affiliated with the following schools: