
Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka

Most Influential Person Now

Polish painter

Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka's Academic­ Rankings

Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka
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Why Is Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka is a Polish visual artist, writer and art historian. She lives in the UK. Dawidek came onto the Polish art scene in the early 2000s. Dawidek combines a wide range of media in her projects – textual objects and installations, painting, animation, photographs, written drawings and hypertexts.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka?

Małgorzata Dawidek Gryglicka is affiliated with the following schools: