
Mamokgethi Phakeng

Most Influential Person Now

South African mathematician

Mamokgethi Phakeng's Academic­ Rankings

Mamokgethi Phakeng
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Measure Theory
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mathematics Degrees
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  • Mathematics

Why Is Mamokgethi Phakeng Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Rosina Mamokgethi Phakeng is a South African professor of mathematics education who in 2018 became a vice-chancellor of the University of Cape Town . She has been the vice principal of research and innovation, at the University of South Africa and acting executive dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology at UNISA. In 2018 she was an invited speaker at the International Congresses of Mathematicians. In February 2023 it was announced that she would leave her position as vice-chancellor of UCT and take early retirement. She was succeeded by Professor Daya Reddy on 13 March 2023

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mamokgethi Phakeng?

Mamokgethi Phakeng is affiliated with the following schools: