
Manuel DeLanda

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Manuel DeLanda's Academic­ Rankings

Manuel DeLanda
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Manuel DeLanda Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Manuel DeLanda is a Mexican-American writer, artist and philosopher who has lived in New York since 1975. He is a lecturer in architecture at the Princeton University School of Architecture and the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, where he teaches courses on the philosophy of urban history and the dynamics of cities as historical actors with an emphasis on the importance of self-organization and material culture in the understanding of a city. DeLanda also teaches architectural theory as an adjunct professor of architecture and urban design at the Pratt Institute and serves as the Gilles Deleuze Chair and Professor of Philosophy at the European Graduate School. He holds a BFA from the School of Visual Arts and a PhD in media and communication from the European Graduate School .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Manuel DeLanda?

Manuel DeLanda is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Manuel DeLanda's Academic Contributions?

Manuel DeLanda is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Manuel DeLanda has made the following academic contributions: