
Manuel Marchena

Most Influential Person Now

Spanish magistrate

Why Is Manuel Marchena Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Manuel Marchena Gómez is a Spanish judge and prosecutor. He currently serves as Magistrate of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. Biography Marchena was born in Las Palmas. He studied in General Alonso High School of Laayoune, in the Spanish Sahara and in the San Ignacio de Loyola School of Las Palmas. He graduated in Law from the University of Deusto, Bilbao, in 1981, obtaining the highest score in the degree exam . He received his doctorate in Law from the University of La Laguna in 1991, also obtaining the highest score, cum laude.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Manuel Marchena?

Manuel Marchena is affiliated with the following schools: