
Marco Di Meco

Most Influential Person Now

Italian flute player, composer, poet, teacher

Marco Di Meco's Academic­ Rankings

Marco Di Meco
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Marco Di Meco
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Why Is Marco Di Meco Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Marco Di Meco is an Italian flute player, composer, music producer writer and teacher. Biography His interest in music began with a traditional musical instrument handed down to him by his paternal grandmother. He then decided to study the transverse flute and after a year of private study, he was admitted to the "L. D'Annunzio" Academy of Music in Pescara where he studied the instrument with Sandro Carbone and obtained a diploma. In the same year he began his career as a solo artist playing W.A. Mozart's KV313 concert.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Marco Di Meco?

Marco Di Meco is affiliated with the following schools: