
Maria Rosa Antognazza

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Italian philosopher

Maria Rosa Antognazza's Academic­ Rankings

Maria Rosa Antognazza
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Maria Rosa Antognazza Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Maria Rosa Antognazza was an Italian-British philosopher who served as professor of philosophy at King's College London. Life and career Antognazza was educated at the Catholic University of Milan. She held research fellowships and visiting professorships in Italy, Germany, Israel, Great Britain, Switzerland, and the US. Among these were a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, a two-year Leverhulme Trust research fellowship, and in 2016 she was the Leibniz-Professor at the University of Leipzig. She held the 2019–2020 Mind Senior Research Fellowship for work on her book Thinking with Assent: Renewing a Traditional Account of Knowledge and Belief.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Maria Rosa Antognazza?

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