
Marina Tarlinskaja

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Russian linguist

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Why Is Marina Tarlinskaja Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Marina Tarlinskaja is a Russian-born American linguist specializing in the statistical analysis of verse. She uses the Russian linguistic-statistical method which, at the most basic level, counts the occurrences of word-stresses in ictic and non-ictic positions in lines of verse. From these, "stress profiles" can be built, by which bodies of verse of different periods, authors, genres, and even languages can be compared statistically. In her 2014 book she used twelve parameters of verse analyses including syntactic structure of lines and the use of verse rhythm to emphasize meaning. Tarlinskaja successfully applied her methodology to defining the authorship of questionable Elizabethan poems and plays. Writing in 1981, T.V.F. Brogan called her English Verse: Theory and History "the most extensive and most important study of English verse structure produced in this century." In 2005 she received the Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award. In The Times Literary Supplement Sir Brian Vickers called her Shakespeare and the Versification of English Drama, 1561-1642 "the book of the year".

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Marina Tarlinskaja's Published Works

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