
Martha Warren Beckwith

Most Influential Person Across History

American folklorist and ethnographer

Martha Warren Beckwith's Academic­ Rankings

Martha Warren Beckwith
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Martha Warren Beckwith Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Martha Warren Beckwith was an American folklorist and ethnographer who was the first chair in folklore at any university or college in the U.S. Early life and education Beckwith was born in Wellesley Heights, Massachusetts to George Ely and Harriet Winslow Beckwith, both schoolteachers, before the family moved to Maui, Hawaii, where they had relatives descended from early missionaries. There, Beckwith made friends with many locals including members of the wealthy Alexander family who later sponsored her folklore work, and she developed an early interest in Hawaiian folk dancing.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Martha Warren Beckwith?

Martha Warren Beckwith is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Martha Warren Beckwith's Academic Contributions?

Martha Warren Beckwith has made the following academic contributions: