
Martyn Amos

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British computer scientist

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Martyn Amos
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Why Is Martyn Amos Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Martyn Amos is a Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria University, working in natural computation, crowd simulation, DNA computing and synthetic biology. He was born in Hexham, Northumberland in 1971, brought up in Heddon-on-the-Wall, and attended school in Ponteland. He graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Coventry University in 1993 , before earning a Ph.D. in DNA computing in 1997, from the University of Warwick. He then held a Leverhulme Trust Special Research Fellowship at the University of Liverpool, before taking up permanent academic appointments at the University of Liverpool , the University of Exeter , and Manchester Metropolitan University . He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society , an active contributor to the Speakers for Schools education charity, and a Trustee of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Martyn Amos?

Martyn Amos is affiliated with the following schools: