
Mary Allen Wilkes

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American computer scientist

Mary Allen Wilkes's Academic­ Rankings

Mary Allen Wilkes
Computer Science
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  • Computer Science

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Why Is Mary Allen Wilkes Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mary Allen Wilkes is a lawyer, former computer programmer and logic designer, known for her work with the LINC computer, now recognized by many as the world's first "personal computer". Career Wilkes was born in Chicago, Illinois and graduated from Wellesley College in 1959 where she majored in philosophy and theology. Wilkes planned to become a lawyer, but was discouraged by friends and mentors from pursuing law because of the challenges women faced in the field. A geography teacher in the eighth grade had told Wilkes, "Mary Allen, when you grow up, you ought to be a computer programmer." She worked in the field as one of the first programmers for a number of years before pursuing law and becoming an attorney in 1975.

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Mary Allen Wilkes's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mary Allen Wilkes?

Mary Allen Wilkes is affiliated with the following schools: