
Mary Tinetti

Most Influential Person Now

American physician

Mary Tinetti's Academic­ Rankings

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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Mary Tinetti Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mary Tinetti is an American physician, and Gladys Phillips Crofoot Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University, and Director of the Yale Program on Aging. Life She graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a B.A. in 1973, and from the University of Michigan Medical School with an M.D. in 1978. She was a resident at the University of Minnesota. She studied on a geriatric fellowship at the University of Rochester with Dr. T. Franklin Williams. She pioneered the study of morbidity due to falls by elderly people, and investigated risk-reduction strategies that were both effective and cost-effective.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mary Tinetti?

Mary Tinetti is affiliated with the following schools: