
Mary Tsingou

Most Influential Person Now

American physicist and mathematician

Mary Tsingou's Academic­ Rankings

Mary Tsingou
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Measure Theory
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mathematics Degrees
Mary Tsingou
World Rank
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USA Rank
physics Degrees
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  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Mary Tsingou's Degrees

Why Is Mary Tsingou Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mary Tsingou is an American physicist and mathematician of Greek descent. She was one of the first programmers on the MANIAC computer at Los Alamos National Laboratory and is best known for having coded the celebrated computer experiment with Enrico Fermi, John Pasta, and Stanislaw Ulam which became an inspiration for the fields of chaos theory and scientific computing and was a turning point in soliton theory.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mary Tsingou?

Mary Tsingou is affiliated with the following schools: