
Matthew Hoch

Most Influential Person Now

American academic

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According to Wikipedia, Matthew Hoch is an American academic and teacher of singing. Hoch is currently professor of voice at Auburn University, where he teaches applied voice, lyric diction, and vocal literature courses. From 2006–2012 he was assistant professor of voice at Shorter University in Rome, Georgia, where he was a member of the voice faculty, taught vocal literature, and served as coordinator of voice studies. From 2006–2008, he conducted the Shorter Chorus. Before coming to Shorter University, he was assistant professor of music and director of choral activities at the University of Wisconsin–Barron County. Prior to that appointment, he held part-time teaching positions at Central Connecticut State University, Northeastern University, the Hartt School, and the New England Conservatory.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Matthew Hoch?

Matthew Hoch is affiliated with the following schools: