
Matthew Pateman

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British academic

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According to Wikipedia, Matthew Pateman is Professor of Popular Aesthetics and has worked as Head of Department at Kingston and Sheffield Hallam universities, and is now at Edge Hill University. Pateman received his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds where he wrote a thesis on the fiction of Julian Barnes. During his time at the University he was an active member of the School of English's graduate community and had his own weekly column on the books pages of the student paper, Leeds Student. Having taught as a postgraduate tutor at Leeds, in 1994 he was appointed a lecturer at the Scarborough unit of the University of Hull. He primarily taught popular culture, using the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a guideline. He subsequently became Senior Lecturer in Culture and Media Studies at the University of Hull before his appointment at Kingston University in the fall of 2010. Subsequently, he moved to Hallam and taught across English, TV, Film, Theory and Drama. His research continues to be equally diverse and he has recently been working on the films of Aryan Kaganof as well as his continuing work on Whedon and modern literature.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Matthew Pateman?

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What Are Matthew Pateman's Academic Contributions?

Matthew Pateman is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Matthew Pateman has made the following academic contributions: