
Maureen Abla Amematekpor

Most Influential Person Now

Ghanaian diplomat

Maureen Abla Amematekpor's Degrees

Why Is Maureen Abla Amematekpor Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Maureen Abla Amematekpor is a retired Ghanaian diplomat and a former Ghana Ambassador to Namibia and Botswana. Career Amematekpor was a lecturer at Ho Polytechnic from 1979 to 1992. In 1984 she received an exam from the University of Education Winneba. from 1992 to 2001. She had a Chair at the Ho Polytechnic. In 2003, Amematekpor acquired a degree in business management; in 2004 she received a Master of Business Administration from Universität Maastricht.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Maureen Abla Amematekpor?

Maureen Abla Amematekpor is affiliated with the following schools: