
Maureen Corrigan

Most Influential Person Now

American journalist and writer

Maureen Corrigan's Academic­ Rankings

Maureen Corrigan
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literature Degrees
Maureen Corrigan
World Rank
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Why Is Maureen Corrigan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Maureen Corrigan is an American author, scholar, and literary critic. She is the book critic on the NPR radio program Fresh Air and writes for the "Book World" section of The Washington Post. In 2014, she wrote So We Read On, a book on the origins and power of The Great Gatsby. In 2005, she published a literary memoir Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books. Corrigan was awarded the 2018 Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing by the National Book Critics Circle for her reviews on Fresh Air on NPR and in The Washington Post, and the 1999 Edgar Award for Criticism by the Mystery Writers of America for her book, Mystery & Suspense Writers, with Robin W. Cook.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Maureen Corrigan?

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