
Max Mathews

Most Influential Person Now

American pioneer in computer music

Why Is Max Mathews Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Max Vernon Mathews was an American pioneer of computer music. Biography Max Vernon Mathews was born in Columbus, Nebraska, by two science schoolteachers. His father in particular taught physics, chemistry and biology in the Peru High School of Nebraska, where he was also the principal. His father allowed him to learn and play in the physics, biology and chemistry laboratories, where he enjoyed making lots of things from motors to mercury barometers. At the age of 9, when students are usually introduced to algebra, he started to study by himself the subject with few other students. That was because the vast majority of population there were farmers and their sons weren't interested about learning algebra, since it isn't useful for the everyday work. In the same way he studied calculus, but he never graduated from high school.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Max Mathews?

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