
Meyrav Wurmser

Most Influential Person Now

American scholar

Meyrav Wurmser's Academic­ Rankings

Meyrav Wurmser
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
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  • Political Science

Meyrav Wurmser's Degrees

Why Is Meyrav Wurmser Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Meyrav Wurmser is an Israeli-American neoconservative political executive. Biography Meyrav Wurmser wrote her Ph.D. thesis on Revisionist Zionism behind the Herut and Likud parties, and received her doctorate in political science at George Washington University in 1998. She went on to teach political science at Johns Hopkins University and the US Naval Academy. She is married to Swiss-born American David Wurmser, former Middle East Adviser to US Vice President Dick Cheney.

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Meyrav Wurmser's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Meyrav Wurmser?

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