Michael Hofreiter
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German university teacher
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Published Works
- Genetic analyses from ancient DNA. (2004) (1163)
- Recalibrating Equus evolution using the genome sequence of an early Middle Pleistocene horse (2013) (706)
- DNA sequences from multiple amplifications reveal artifacts induced by cytosine deamination in ancient DNA. (2001) (627)
- Assessing ancient DNA studies. (2005) (587)
- Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary megafauna to climate and humans (2011) (534)
- Ancient DNA extraction from bones and teeth (2007) (528)
- Genome flux and stasis in a five millennium transect of European prehistory (2014) (514)
- Molecular coproscopy: dung and diet of the extinct ground sloth Nothrotheriops shastensis. (1998) (462)
- Multilocus Resolution of Phylogeny and Timescale in the Extant Adaptive Radiation of Hawaiian Honeycreepers (2011) (411)
- No Evidence of Neandertal mtDNA Contribution to Early Modern Humans (2004) (409)
- Ancient Biomolecules from Deep Ice Cores Reveal a Forested Southern Greenland (2007) (409)
- Fossil dogs and wolves from Palaeolithic sites in Belgium, the Ukraine and Russia: osteometry, ancient DNA and stable isotopes (2009) (355)
- Comparison and optimization of ancient DNA extraction. (2007) (349)
- Parallel tagged sequencing on the 454 platform (2008) (340)
- DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America (2008) (334)
- Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians (2015) (308)
- Optimal Ancient DNA Yields from the Inner Ear Part of the Human Petrous Bone (2015) (307)
- Paternity and relatedness in wild chimpanzee communities (2001) (296)
- Mitochondrial genomes reveal an explosive radiation of extinct and extant bears near the Miocene-Pliocene boundary (2008) (280)
- A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among Neanderthals (2007) (280)
- Coat Color Variation at the Beginning of Horse Domestication (2009) (267)
- Ancient proteins resolve the evolutionary history of Darwin’s South American ungulates (2015) (255)
- Prehistoric genomes reveal the genetic foundation and cost of horse domestication (2014) (241)
- Genomic Sequencing of Pleistocene Cave Bears (2005) (240)
- Multiplex amplification of the mammoth mitochondrial genome and the evolution of Elephantidae (2006) (238)
- Lack of phylogeography in European mammals before the last glaciation. (2004) (223)
- Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture in Eastern Africa (2015) (215)
- Targeted high-throughput sequencing of tagged nucleic acid samples (2007) (213)
- Ancient genomes revisit the ancestry of domestic and Przewalski’s horses (2018) (208)
- Ecological Change, Range Fluctuations and Population Dynamics during the Pleistocene (2009) (208)
- A Mitogenomic Phylogeny of Living Primates (2013) (204)
- Clovis Age Western Stemmed Projectile Points and Human Coprolites at the Paisley Caves (2012) (200)
- The future of ancient DNA: Technical advances and conceptual shifts (2015) (195)
- Colours of domestication (2011) (193)
- Ancient DNA (2001) (190)
- Patterns of nucleotide misincorporations during enzymatic amplification and direct large-scale sequencing of ancient DNA (2006) (185)
- Proboscidean Mitogenomics: Chronology and Mode of Elephant Evolution Using Mastodon as Outgroup (2007) (178)
- A rapid column‐based ancient DNA extraction method for increased sample throughput (2009) (176)
- A Paleogenomic Perspective on Evolution and Gene Function: New Insights from Ancient DNA (2014) (174)
- Genomic DNA Sequences from Mastodon and Woolly Mammoth Reveal Deep Speciation of Forest and Savanna Elephants (2010) (170)
- Ancient genomic changes associated with domestication of the horse (2017) (169)
- Capturing protein-coding genes across highly divergent species. (2013) (166)
- A molecular analysis of ground sloth diet through the last glaciation (2000) (163)
- Nondestructive DNA extraction method for mitochondrial DNA analyses of museum specimens. (2004) (162)
- Animal DNA in PCR reagents plagues ancient DNA research (2007) (157)
- Nuclear Gene Indicates Coat-Color Polymorphism in Mammoths (2006) (155)
- Next Generation Sequencing of Ancient DNA: Requirements, Strategies and Perspectives (2010) (155)
- Identification of the remains of King Richard III (2014) (153)
- Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, and habitat preference evolution of marsupials. (2014) (150)
- Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome Time Series (2019) (150)
- Origin and History of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in Domestic Horses (2010) (145)
- Evidence for a Retroviral Insertion in TRPM1 as the Cause of Congenital Stationary Night Blindness and Leopard Complex Spotting in the Horse (2013) (143)
- Early Holocene chicken domestication in northern China (2014) (141)
- Withering away--25,000 years of genetic decline preceded cave bear extinction. (2010) (140)
- True single-molecule DNA sequencing of a pleistocene horse bone. (2011) (132)
- Direct multiplex sequencing (DMPS)--a novel method for targeted high-throughput sequencing of ancient and highly degraded DNA. (2009) (129)
- Ancient DNA analyses reveal high mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity and parallel morphological evolution of late pleistocene cave bears. (2002) (127)
- The population history of extant and extinct hyenas. (2005) (126)
- From micrograms to picograms: quantitative PCR reduces the material demands of high-throughput sequencing (2007) (125)
- Molecular breeding of polymerases for amplification of ancient DNA (2007) (122)
- Evidence for Reproductive Isolation between Cave Bear Populations (2004) (119)
- Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths (2020) (119)
- Partial genomic survival of cave bears in living brown bears (2018) (118)
- Ancient and modern DNA reveal dynamics of domestication and cross-continental dispersal of the dromedary (2016) (118)
- A comprehensive genomic history of extinct and living elephants (2018) (113)
- Phylogenetic Distribution of Extant Richness Suggests Metamorphosis Is a Key Innovation Driving Diversification in Insects (2014) (112)
- The genetic history of Europeans. (2012) (112)
- Computational challenges in the analysis of ancient DNA (2010) (109)
- Isotopic evidence for omnivory among European cave bears: Late Pleistocene Ursus spelaeus from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania (2008) (104)
- Surprising migration and population size dynamics in ancient Iberian brown bears (Ursus arctos) (2008) (103)
- Ancient DNA : methods and protocols (2012) (98)
- Whole mitochondrial genome sequencing of domestic horses reveals incorporation of extensive wild horse diversity during domestication (2011) (97)
- Substitutions in woolly mammoth hemoglobin confer biochemical properties adaptive for cold tolerance (2010) (95)
- First DNA sequences from Asian cave bear fossils reveal deep divergences and complex phylogeographic patterns (2009) (94)
- Mitochondrial Diversity and Distribution of African Green Monkeys (Chlorocebus Gray, 1870) (2013) (92)
- Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in the Lower Danube Basin (2017) (92)
- The genetic and evolutionary basis of colour variation in vertebrates (2010) (91)
- Multiplex amplification of ancient DNA (2006) (90)
- Genotypes of predomestic horses match phenotypes painted in Paleolithic works of cave art (2011) (87)
- Genome-wide data from two early Neolithic East Asian individuals dating to 7700 years ago (2017) (82)
- Faunal histories from Holocene ancient DNA. (2011) (80)
- Pleistocene bears in the Swabian Jura (Germany): Genetic replacement, ecological displacement, extinctions and survival (2011) (80)
- New Taxa of Alpine Cave Bears (Ursidae, Carnivora) (2004) (77)
- G protein-coupled time travel: evolutionary aspects of GPCR research. (2007) (77)
- Phylogeny, diet, and habitat of an extinct ground sloth from Cuchillo Curá, Neuquén Province, southwest Argentina (2003) (76)
- Morphological and genetic evidence for early Holocene cattle management in northeastern China (2013) (76)
- Tenrec phylogeny and the noninvasive extraction of nuclear DNA. (2006) (75)
- Discovery of lost diversity of paternal horse lineages using ancient DNA. (2011) (75)
- Ancient DNA: the first three decades (2015) (74)
- Sudden replacement of cave bear mitochondrial DNA in the late Pleistocene (2007) (73)
- Impact of enrichment conditions on cross‐species capture of fresh and degraded DNA (2016) (73)
- Is amino acid racemization a useful tool for screening for ancient DNA in bone? (2009) (70)
- Niche partitioning between two sympatric genetically distinct cave bears (Ursus spelaeus and Ursus ingressus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Austria: Isotopic evidence from fossil bones (2011) (70)
- A mitogenomic timetree for Darwin’s enigmatic South American mammal Macrauchenia patachonica (2017) (70)
- Kiwi genome provides insights into evolution of a nocturnal lifestyle (2015) (69)
- Ancient DNA sequences point to a large loss of mitochondrial genetic diversity in the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) since the Pleistocene (2010) (68)
- Inactivation of thermogenic UCP1 as a historical contingency in multiple placental mammal clades (2016) (66)
- DNA capture reveals transoceanic gene flow in endangered river sharks (2015) (66)
- The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes (2021) (65)
- Molecular breeding of polymerases for resistance to environmental inhibitors (2011) (65)
- Mitochondrial DNA diversity and evolution of the Pleistocene cave bear complex (2014) (65)
- The genetics of an early Neolithic pastoralist from the Zagros, Iran (2016) (64)
- Influence of Climate Warming on Arctic Mammals? New Insights from Ancient DNA Studies of the Collared Lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus (2010) (63)
- Molecular caving (2003) (63)
- Ancient DNA reveals differences in behaviour and sociality between brown bears and extinct cave bears (2016) (60)
- Interordinal gene capture, the phylogenetic position of Steller's sea cow based on molecular and morphological data, and the macroevolutionary history of Sirenia. (2015) (56)
- Nuclear insertions help and hinder inference of the evolutionary history of gorilla mtDNA (2004) (56)
- Learning from the past: evolution of GPCR functions. (2007) (56)
- Mitogenomic analyses from ancient DNA. (2013) (56)
- Ancient biomolecules in Quaternary palaeoecology (2012) (56)
- Tropical ancient DNA reveals relationships of the extinct Bahamian giant tortoise Chelonoidis alburyorum (2017) (55)
- Paging through history: parchment as a reservoir of ancient DNA for next generation sequencing (2015) (54)
- A rapid loss of stripes: the evolutionary history of the extinct quagga (2005) (53)
- Extended and Continuous Decline in Effective Population Size Results in Low Genomic Diversity in the World’s Rarest Hyena Species, the Brown Hyena (2018) (53)
- Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Slow Rates of Molecular Evolution and the Timing of Speciation in Beavers (Castor), One of the Largest Rodent Species (2011) (51)
- Road blocks on paleogenomes—polymerase extension profiling reveals the frequency of blocking lesions in ancient DNA (2010) (50)
- The evolutionary and phylogeographic history of woolly mammoths: a comprehensive mitogenomic analysis (2017) (47)
- Palaeogenomes of Eurasian straight-tusked elephants challenge the current view of elephant evolution (2017) (47)
- Losing ground: past history and future fate of Arctic small mammals in a changing climate (2013) (45)
- Morphological responses of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus group) to high-alpine habitats (2008) (44)
- Palaeolithic dogs and Pleistocene wolves revisited: A reply to Morey (2014) (2015) (44)
- Twenty-five thousand years of fluctuating selection on leopard complex spotting and congenital night blindness in horses (2015) (41)
- Diversity lost: are all Holarctic large mammal species just relict populations? (2010) (41)
- Evolutionary History of Saber-Toothed Cats Based on Ancient Mitogenomics (2017) (40)
- Climate impacts on transocean dispersal and habitat in gray whales from the Pleistocene to 2100 (2015) (40)
- The last of its kind? Radiocarbon, ancient DNA and stable isotope evidence from a late cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER, 1794) from Rochedane (France) (2014) (38)
- Complex Admixture Preceded and Followed the Extinction of Wisent in the Wild (2016) (38)
- A western route of prehistoric human migration from Africa into the Iberian Peninsula (2019) (38)
- A phylogenetic estimate for golden moles (Mammalia, Afrotheria, Chrysochloridae) (2010) (37)
- Once lost, twice found: Combined analysis of ancient giant panda sequences characterises extinct clade (2018) (34)
- Palaeolithic dogs and the early domestication of the wolf: a reply to the comments of Crockford and Kuzmin (2012) (2013) (34)
- Origin and dispersal of early domestic pigs in northern China (2017) (33)
- Novel Genes, Ancient Genes, and Gene Co-Option Contributed to the Genetic Basis of the Radula, a Molluscan Innovation (2018) (31)
- Nondestructive DNA extraction from museum specimens. (2012) (31)
- Spotted phenotypes in horses lost attractiveness in the Middle Ages (2016) (30)
- Ancient DNA from marine mammals: studying long-lived species over ecological and evolutionary timescales. (2012) (30)
- Re-inventing ancient human DNA (2015) (30)
- Exclusion of linkage to the CDL1 gene region on chromosome 3q26.3 in some familial cases of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. (2001) (29)
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Genetic Variation in the Iberian Lynx along Its Path to Extinction Reconstructed with Ancient DNA (2017) (28)
- Vertebrate DNA in Fecal Samples from Bonobos and Gorillas: Evidence for Meat Consumption or Artefact? (2010) (28)
- Decline of genetic diversity in ancient domestic stallions in Europe (2018) (28)
- Combined hybridization capture and shotgun sequencing for ancient DNA analysis of extinct wild and domestic dromedary camel (2016) (27)
- Barcoding the largest animals on Earth: ongoing challenges and molecular solutions in the taxonomic identification of ancient cetaceans (2016) (27)
- Hyena paleogenomes reveal a complex evolutionary history of cross-continental gene flow between spotted and cave hyena (2020) (27)
- Pleistocene Brown Bears in the Mid-Continent of North America (2004) (27)
- Optimized DNA sampling of ancient bones using Computed Tomography scans. (2018) (26)
- Ancient mitochondrial DNA and the genetic history of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in Europe (2014) (25)
- Phenotypes from ancient DNA: Approaches, insights and prospects (2013) (25)
- Mitochondrial DNA sequence from an enigmatic gorilla population (Gorilla gorilla uellensis). (2003) (25)
- Response to Comment by Poinar et al. on “DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America” (2009) (24)
- Mutations induced by ancient DNA extracts? (2004) (24)
- Effects of late quaternary climate change on Palearctic shrews (2013) (23)
- Successful application of ancient DNA extraction and library construction protocols to museum wet collection specimens (2021) (23)
- A genetically distinct lion (Panthera leo) population from Ethiopia (2012) (22)
- Phylotranscriptomic evidence for pervasive ancient hybridization among Old World salamanders. (2020) (22)
- Genetic analysis of cave bear specimens from Niedźwiedzia Cave, Sudetes, Poland (2012) (22)
- Burial condition is the most important factor for mtDNA PCR amplification success in Palaeolithic equid remains from the Alpine foreland (2015) (21)
- Martian Surface Paleotemperatures from Thermochronology of Meteorites (2005) (20)
- Targeted resequencing of coding DNA sequences for SNP discovery in nonmodel species (2018) (20)
- Long DNA sequences and large data sets: Investigating the quaternary via ancient DNA (2008) (20)
- Phylogenetic analyses suggest that diversification and body size evolution are independent in insects (2016) (20)
- The origin of ambling horses (2016) (20)
- The Systematic Position of the Cave Bear from Potočka zijalka (Slovenia) (2004) (19)
- Pleistocene Extinctions: Haunting the Survivors (2007) (19)
- Analysis of ancient human genomes (2010) (19)
- High-throughput DNA sequencing of museum specimens sheds light on the long-missing species of the Bokermannohyla claresignata group (Anura: Hylidae: Cophomantini) (2020) (19)
- ‘Barcode fishing’ for archival DNA from historical type material overcomes taxonomic hurdles, enabling the description of a new frog species (2020) (19)
- Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs (2022) (17)
- Target-enriched DNA sequencing from historical type material enables a partial revision of the Madagascar giant stream frogs (genus Mantidactylus) (2020) (17)
- Massive influence of DNA isolation and library preparation approaches on palaeogenomic sequencing data (2016) (17)
- Modulation of volume regulated anion current by I(Cln). (2000) (16)
- Improving draft genome contiguity with reference-derived in silico mate-pair libraries (2018) (16)
- Reply to Peters et al.: Further discussions confirm early Holocene chicken domestication in northern China (2015) (16)
- Paleogenome Reveals Genetic Contribution of Extinct Giant Panda to Extant Populations (2019) (16)
- Drafting Human Ancestry: What Does the Neanderthal Genome Tell Us about Hominid Evolution? Commentary on Green et al. (2010) (2011) (16)
- Progress in forensic bone DNA analysis: Lessons learned from ancient DNA. (2021) (16)
- Consensify: A Method for Generating Pseudohaploid Genome Sequences from Palaeogenomic Datasets with Reduced Error Rates (2018) (16)
- Middle Pleistocene genome calibrates a revised evolutionary history of extinct cave bears (2021) (15)
- Ancient DNA extracted from Danish aurochs (Bos primigenius): genetic diversity and preservation. (2012) (15)
- Comparing mitogenomic timetrees for two African savannah primate genera (Chlorocebus and Papio) (2017) (14)
- SHORT COMMUNICATION: A phantom extinction? New insights into extinction dynamics of the Don‐hare Lepus tanaiticus (2010) (14)
- Moose genomes reveal past glacial demography and the origin of modern lineages (2020) (14)
- Historical biogeography of the leopard (Panthera pardus) and its extinct Eurasian populations (2018) (14)
- A biochemical--biophysical study of hemoglobins from woolly mammoth, Asian elephant, and humans. (2011) (13)
- Heavy reliance on plants for Romanian cave bears evidenced by amino acid nitrogen isotope analysis (2020) (13)
- Reconstruction and in vivo analysis of the extinct tbx5 gene from ancient wingless moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) (2014) (13)
- Using ancient DNA to elucidate raw material origin of bone points from Potocka Zijalka (Slovenia): Preliminary results (2004) (13)
- Cryptic species in a well-known habitat: applying taxonomics to the amphipod genus Epimeria (Crustacea, Peracarida) (2018) (12)
- Demographic reconstruction from ancient DNA supports rapid extinction of the great auk (2019) (12)
- Ancient DNA from Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) of South-Western China Reveals Genetic Diversity Loss during the Holocene (2018) (12)
- Ongoing Controversy over Romanov Remains (2004) (11)
- Mitochondrial d-loop variation, coat colour and sex identification of Late Iron Age horses in Switzerland (2016) (11)
- Middle Pleistocene Cave Bear Genome Calibrates the Evolutionary History of Palaearctic Bears (2020) (11)
- Molecular identification of late and terminal Pleistocene Equus ovodovi from northeastern China (2019) (11)
- African and Asian leopards are highly differentiated at the genomic level (2021) (10)
- Ecological Specialization and Evolutionary Reticulation in Extant Hyaenidae (2020) (9)
- The complete mitochondrial genome of the common vole, Microtus arvalis (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) (2018) (9)
- Chronological and Systematic Position of Cave Bear Fauna from Ajdovska jama near Krško (Slovenia) (2011) (9)
- Early Pleistocene origin and extensive intra-species diversity of the extinct cave lion (2020) (9)
- Does cooperation mean kinship between spatially discrete ant nests? (2016) (8)
- DNA sequencing: Mammoth genomics (2008) (8)
- Mitogenomic phylogeny of the Asian colobine genus Trachypithecus with special focus on Trachypithecus phayrei (Blyth, 1847) and description of a new species (2020) (8)
- Diversity and Paleodemography of the Addax (Addax nasomaculatus), a Saharan Antelope on the Verge of Extinction (2021) (7)
- A 3500-year-old leaf from a Pharaonic tomb reveals that New Kingdom Egyptians were cultivating domesticated watermelon (2019) (7)
- Molecular Clocks and Archeogenomics of a Late Period Egyptian Date Palm Leaf Reveal Introgression from Wild Relatives and Add Timestamps on the Domestication (2021) (7)
- An ‛Aukward’ Tale: A Genetic Approach to Discover the Whereabouts of the Last Great Auks (2017) (7)
- Ancestral mitogenome capture of the Southeast Asian banded linsang (2020) (7)
- Estimating the dwarfing rate of an extinct Sicilian elephant (2021) (6)
- A sliver of the past: the decimation of the genetic diversity of the Mexican wolf. (2021) (6)
- Molecular identification of the extinct mountain goat, Oreamnos harringtoni (Bovidae) (2010) (6)
- Mitochondrial genomes of Late Pleistocene caballine horses from China belong to a separate clade (2020) (6)
- Ecological Specialization and Evolutionary Reticulation in Extant Hyaenidae. (2021) (5)
- Correction: Influence of Climate Warming on Arctic Mammals? New Insights from Ancient DNA Studies of the Collared Lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus (2010) (5)
- Aardwolf Population Diversity and Phylogenetic Positioning Inferred Using Complete Mitochondrial Genomes (2019) (5)
- Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of a wet-collection syntype demonstrates the importance of type material as genetic resource for lantern shark taxonomy (Chondrichthyes: Etmopteridae) (2021) (5)
- Target-enriched DNA sequencing clarifies the identity of name-bearing types of the Gephyromantis plicifer complex and reveals a new species of mantellid frog from Madagascar (2021) (5)
- General palaeontology (Taphonomy and Fossilisation) : Palaeogenomics (2008) (5)
- Ancient mitochondrial genomes from Chinese cave hyenas provide insights into the evolutionary history of the genus Crocuta (2021) (5)
- Phylogeography of the cave hyaena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) - morphology versus genetics (2004) (4)
- Case study: using a nondestructive DNA extraction method to generate mtDNA sequences from historical chimpanzee specimens. (2012) (4)
- Reply to Peng et al.: Archaeological contexts should not be ignored for early chicken domestication (2015) (4)
- Ancient DNA from the Asiatic Wild Dog (Cuon alpinus) from Europe (2021) (4)
- Ancient mtDNA diversity reveals specific population development of wild horses in Switzerland after the Last Glacial Maximum (2017) (4)
- Recovery and analysis of ancient beetle DNA from subfossil packrat middens using high-throughput sequencing (2021) (4)
- Preliminary results on the molecular study of fish-eating by "trawling Myotis" bat species in Europe (2019) (4)
- Mitogenomes of historical type specimens unravel the taxonomy of sportive lemurs (Lepilemur spp.) in Northwest Madagascar (2021) (4)
- Identifying the true number of specimens of the extinct blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) (2021) (4)
- Ancient DNA reveals twenty million years of aquatic life in beavers (2020) (4)
- Resurrecting phenotypes from ancient DNA sequences: promises and perspectives (2015) (4)
- The systematic position of cave bears from Potocka Zijalka (2004) (4)
- Taxonomic Identification of Two Poorly Known Lantern Shark Species Based on Mitochondrial DNA From Wet-Collection Paratypes (2022) (4)
- Targeted re-sequencing of coding DNA sequences for SNP discovery in non-model species (2017) (3)
- Revisiting proboscidean phylogeny and evolution through total evidence and palaeogenetic analyses including Notiomastodon ancient DNA (2021) (3)
- Emergence of a Chimeric Globin Pseudogene and Increased Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity Underlie the Evolution of Aquatic Specializations in Sirenia (2019) (3)
- Different maternal lineages revealed by ancient mitochondrial genome of Camelus bactrianus from China (2019) (3)
- The contribution of Late Pleistocene megafauna finds to submerged archaeology and the interpretation of ancient coastal landscapes (2017) (3)
- Annotated genome sequences of the carnivorous plant Roridula gorgonias and a non-carnivorous relative, Clethra arborea (2020) (3)
- New life for ancient DNA. (2012) (2)
- Genomic basis for skin phenotype and cold adaptation in the extinct Steller’s sea cow (2022) (2)
- An integrative taxonomic revision and redefinition of Gephyromantis (Laurentomantis) malagasius based on archival DNA analysis reveals four new mantellid frog species from Madagascar (2022) (2)
- Special issue ancient DNA. (2012) (2)
- “Omics” data unveil early molecular response underlying limb regeneration in the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis (2022) (2)
- Complete mitochondrial genome of a bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis), along with phylogenetic considerations (2017) (2)
- Genetic stability and replacement in the late Pleistocene cave bear populations (2002) (2)
- Evolutionary Divergence and Radula Diversification in Two Ecomorphs from an Adaptive Radiation of Freshwater Snails (2022) (2)
- Insight into the introduction of domestic cattle and the process of Neolithization to the Spanish region Galicia by genetic evidence (2021) (2)
- Ancient DNA: Phylogenetic Applications (2008) (2)
- Spurensuche in alter DNA (2009) (2)
- Reply to Bar-Oz and Lev-Yadun: Horse colors in time and space (2012) (2)
- Cave bears and ancient DNA: a mutually beneficial relationship (2019) (1)
- Origin and dispersal of early domestic pigs in northern China (2017) (1)
- Author response: Demographic reconstruction from ancient DNA supports rapid extinction of the great auk (2019) (1)
- Simultaneous Barcode Sequencing of Diverse Museum Collection Specimens Using a Mixed RNA Bait Set (2022) (1)
- An ancient DNA perspective on the cave bears from Pestera cu Oase, Romani (2013) (1)
- Archaeogenomics of a ~2,100-year-old Egyptian leaf provides a new timestamp on date palm domestication (2020) (1)
- Radula diversification promotes ecomorph divergence in an adaptive radiation of freshwater snails (2020) (1)
- Exploring the Past Biosphere of Chew Bahir/Southern Ethiopia: Cross-Species Hybridization Capture of Ancient Sedimentary DNA from a Deep Drill Core (2021) (1)
- Blue Turns to Gray: Paleogenomic Insights into the Evolutionary History and Extinction of the Blue Antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) (2022) (1)
- Ancient Mitogenomes Provide New Insights into the Origin and Early Introduction of Chinese Domestic Donkeys (2021) (1)
- Author Correction: Spotted phenotypes in horses lost attractiveness in the Middle Ages (2020) (1)
- Genomic analyses from highly degraded DNA (2015) (1)
- Historical biogeography of the leopard (Panthera pardus) and its extinct Eurasian populations (2018) (1)
- Ancient human DNA: Phylogenetic applications (2014) (1)
- Corrigendum (2014) (0)
- A genetically distinct lion (Panthera leo) population from Ethiopia (2012) (0)
- Molecular Solutions for the Taxonomic Identification of Archaeological Whale Remains (2017) (0)
- Author Correction: Heavy reliance on plants for Romanian cave bears evidenced by amino acid nitrogen isotope analysis (2020) (0)
- Supplementary material from "Tropical ancient DNA reveals relationships of the extinct Bahamian giant tortoise Chelonoidis alburyorum " (2017) (0)
- Ancient genome provides insights into the history of Eurasian lynx in Iberia and Western Europe (2022) (0)
- Correction: Insight into the introduction of domestic cattle and the process of Neolithization to the Spanish region Galicia by genetic evidence (2022) (0)
- 3 Interordinal gene capture, the phylogenetic position of Steller's sea cow 4 based on molecular and morphological data, and the macroevolutionary (2015) (0)
- Die Analyse alter DNA (2006) (0)
- Population and conservation genomics of the world's rarest hyena species, the brown hyena (Parahyena brunnea) (2017) (0)
- Defining the Island Dwarfing Rate of an Extinct Sicilian Elephant Using Ancient DNA (2020) (0)
- Invited Commentary Drafting Human Ancestry: What Does the Neanderthal Genome Tell Us about Hominid Evolution? Commentary on Green et al. (2010) (2011) (0)
- A Biophysical-Biochemical Comparison of Hemoglobins from Mammoth, Asian Elephant, and Human (2010) (0)
- Breathing new life into old blood: cold-adaptive evolution of woolly mammoth haemoglobin (2009) (0)
- The palaeogenomic revolution in zoology (2016) (0)
- Loss of Mitochondrial Genetic Diversity despite Population Growth: The Legacy of Past Wolf Population Declines (2022) (0)
- Paleogenomes Reveal a Complex Evolutionary History of Late Pleistocene Bison in Northeastern China (2022) (0)
- Mindell, Arnold [“Arny”] (2005) (0)
- Report logeny and Timescale in the Extant Adaptive Radiation of Hawaiian Honeycreepers (2011) (0)
- Is it inappropriate to ask for your age? Evaluating Parameter Impact on Tree Dating in a Challenging Clade (Macroscelidea). (2023) (0)
- Book Review: Ancient DNA typing (2005) (0)
- Reconstruction and in vivo analysis of the extinct tbx5 gene from ancient wingless moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) (2014) (0)
- Reconstructing protein-coding sequences from ancient DNA. (2020) (0)
- Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology (2013) (0)
- Gene data for endangered species have limitations. (2009) (0)
- Keratose sponge MuseOMICS: setting reference points in dictyoceratid demosponge phylogeny. (2022) (0)
- Exclusion of linkage to chromosome 3q in some familial cases of the Cornelia deLange Syndrome (1999) (0)
- Gene data for endangered species have limitations (2009) (0)
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