
Michael O'Donnell

Most Influential Person Now

Physician, journalist, author, broadcaster

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Michael O'Donnell
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Why Is Michael O'Donnell Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Michael O'Donnell was a British physician, journalist, author and broadcaster. He became a full-time writer after working for 12 years as a doctor. On BBC Radio Four he was the last chairman and word-setter of My Word! and wrote and presented Relative Values. On BBC Television he presented the O'Donnell Investigates series and, on Yorkshire Television, the controversial Tuesday Documentary Is Your Brain Really Necessary?. He worked as a newspaper and magazine columnist, published three novels, edited World Medicine, wrote and presented over 100 television and radio documentaries, and helped found the charity HealthWatch.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Michael O'Donnell ?

Michael O'Donnell is affiliated with the following schools: