
Mihai Pop

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Romanian ethnologist

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  • Anthropology

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According to Wikipedia, Mihai Pop was a Romanian ethnologist. He won the Herder Prize in 1967. Notable works include Obiceiuri tradiţionale româneşti and Folclor românesc . He was a member of the Romanian Academy. Biography Pop was born in Glod village in what is now the commune of Strâmtura in Maramureș County in northern Romania , the son of a Greek-Catholic priest. He pursued studies in a Hungarian high school in Sighetu Marmației led by Piarist monks. After the First World War, he came to Bucharest. There, he pursued studies in literature and philosophy , followed by Slavonic studies in Prague, Bonn and Warsaw, and obtained a Ph.D. in philology from the University of Bratislava. He later taught philological sciences at the University of Bucharest, being assistant professor in the Romanian Literature Department led by Dumitru Caracostea. He was a member of the Sociological Research Group and of the Romanian Social Institute , led by Dimitrie Gusti .

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