
Miloje Vasić

Most Influential Person Across History

Serbian archaeologist, historian and art critic

Miloje Vasić's Academic­ Rankings

Miloje Vasić
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anthropology Degrees
Miloje Vasić
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  • Anthropology
  • Literature

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Why Is Miloje Vasić Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Miloje Vasić was a Serbian archaeologist, regarded as one of the most distinguished representatives of the humanistic studies in Serbia. Professor at the University of Belgrade and member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, he was the first educated Serbian archaeologist, and is considered as the founder of the modern archaeology in Serbia. Also known for his widely eclectic interests outside of archaeology, his most significant accomplishment was discovery of the Neolithic site of Vinča culture in 1905 and subsequent excavation, which began in 1908.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Miloje Vasić?

Miloje Vasić is affiliated with the following schools: