
Morteza Momayez

Most Influential Person Now

Iranian graphic designer

Morteza Momayez's Academic­ Rankings

Morteza Momayez
World Rank
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Graphic Design
World Rank
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communications Degrees
Morteza Momayez
Computer Science
World Rank
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computer-science Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Computer Science

Morteza Momayez's Degrees

Why Is Morteza Momayez Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Morteza Momayez was an Iranian graphic designer. He was one of the founders of Iranian Graphic Design Society and held a membership to Alliance Graphique Internationale . He was the president of Tehran International Poster Biennial and Editor-in-chief of “Neshan”. Throughout his career, Momayez initiated many cultural institutes, exhibitions and graphic design publications. In 2004, Momayez received the Art & Culture Award of Excellency from President Mohammad Khatami.

Other Resources About Morteza Momayez

What Schools Are Affiliated With Morteza Momayez?

Morteza Momayez is affiliated with the following schools: