
Mstislav Rostropovich

Most Influential Person Now

Russian cellist and conductor

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Why Is Mstislav Rostropovich Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich was a Russian cellist and conductor. In addition to his interpretations and technique, he was well known for both inspiring and commissioning new works, which enlarged the cello repertoire more than any cellist before or since. He inspired and premiered over 100 pieces, forming long-standing friendships and artistic partnerships with composers including Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev, Henri Dutilleux, Witold Lutosławski, Olivier Messiaen, Luciano Berio, Krzysztof Penderecki, Alfred Schnittke, Norbert Moret, Andreas Makris, Leonard Bernstein, Aram Khachaturian, and Benjamin Britten.

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Mstislav Rostropovich's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mstislav Rostropovich?

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