
Naila Kabeer

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British economist

Naila Kabeer's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Naila Kabeer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Naila Kabeer is an Indian-born British Bangladeshi social economist, research fellow , writer and Professor at the London School of Economics. She was also president of the International Association for Feminist Economics from 2018 to 2019. She is on the editorial committee of journals such as Feminist Economist, Development and Change, Gender and Development, Third World Quarterly and the Canadian Journal of Development Studies. She works primarily on poverty, gender and social policy issues. Her research interests include gender, poverty, social exclusion, labour markets and livelihoods, social protection, focused on South and South East Asia.

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Naila Kabeer's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Naila Kabeer?

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